Best Family-Friendly Activities in Bali

family friendly activities in bali – Bali is also known as a favorite destination for families, there are various kinds of activities that you can try while you are in Bali. If you travel to Bali with small children, of course, there are various kinds of activities that you can do in Bali. Here are the best family-friendly activities in Bali that you can try.


Balinese Village

One of the activities that you can try is to experience being in a Balinese village and try to become a resident there. In this case, you can also introduce culture to your children and experience how to introduce a new culture to your children. Apart from being able to provide interesting lessons for you, you can also feel how Balinese culture itself is and participate in every activity there is.


Visiting Galleries in Bali

Bali itself has various kinds of galleries that you can visit with your family, whether it’s just visiting or learning about existing art. Besides that, Bali has various kinds of galleries that are child-friendly so your child’s creative abilities will also be honed when visiting this gallery. Apart from that, the gallery has a place for shopping itself so that those of you who might as parents want to also shop while waiting for your child to hone his creativity.


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Making Crafting and Following the Workshop

If you like activities that produce something in Bali, you can try various kinds of crafting suggestions in Bali, from starting to make ceramics to even decorating an item, which should be included in family-friendly activities when visiting Bali. But if you just want to try it, you can try workshops to find out in advance what activities are suitable for your family in producing certain creative items.


Those are family-friendly activities that you can try when visiting Bali. Don’t forget to plan it now and set your activities far in advance, if you are looking for a place to stay complete with a friendly package of activities for your family, just trust Alterstay as property management in Bali. Find out more detailed information here.


Some of the places below might be recommendations for you when you want to bring your family to eat local Balinese dishes:

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